Big Words Authors was started to help gain exposure for myself and other writers. If you have a literary piece you would like to put out into the World Wide Web for exposure, you can submit it for initial review. You can email the document, preferably as a Microsoft Word file, to [email protected].
The piece can be a book excerpt, essay, short story or a poem. Your document will be evaluated and a decision regarding publication will be communicated to you within 3-5 business days. Once it is approved, you must submit your payment at the PayPal link below for final publication. The guidelines for publication consideration are as follows:
• Length and genre: As the papers published on Big Words Authors are more literary pieces, the optimal lengths will be longer than those on a standard blogging platform. The optimal length for a piece will thus be roughly 4,000 words. Exceptions can be made in certain instances though depending on the piece and history with the contributor.
• Reasonable grammar: In terms of grammar, documents should be relatively clean and minor edits may be made as the final publication will be a reflection of the overall site. Pieces requiring too much work, will be sent back for editing by the writer.
• Unsuitable Content: While writing is both art and expression, the owner of Big Words Authors will reserve the right to determine if a piece is unsuitable in terms of subject matter and message. Pieces that, for example, will incite violence and/or potentially lead to termination or litigation towards the platform, will be rejected.
• Visuals: Submitted pieces should have a picture(s) to go with them to give some illustration of what the article is about. Contributing authors can also use visual art as well as graphic designs. Original pictures taken from the internet need to have attribution or authorization from the owner of the picture so to prevent copyright infringement claims and litigation towards the Big Words Authors site.
• A Brief Bio: Contributing authors should supply a brief bio with their work and contact information via email and/or social media. A picture of the author is preferred, but optional.
• Once the piece is approved, contributing authors must submit their payment for final publication. The document will then be published within two weeks.
• The price per piece is $15, and submissions will be published only after payment is rendered.
• Payments can be made to the PayPal link below.
Publication Purchases
[wp_paypal button=”buynow” name=”My Product” amount=”15.00″]
[wp_paypal button=”donate” name=”My product”]